When faced with chronic pain or illness, life can change quite a bit. You may not be able to do some of the things you used to do, which can be very frustrating. Be careful not to dwell in that place for too long. Finding the motivation to exercise when you are in chronic pain can be challenging, but it is essential to your well-being.LogoColorTextBelow

The key is to focus on what you can do, no matter how small it is. Here are some strategies to get started.

  1. Create a list of activities that you can do that will not aggravate your pain. Start with the smallest amount of time possible, even if it is a couple of minutes of activity, taking care not to overdo it. If you do too much, don’t give up; make adjustments until you find what works for you.
  2. Redefine what exercise means to you. I have worked with many clients who cling to an “all or nothing” attitude about exercise. All or nothing usually leaves you with nothing. Let go of the notion that you need to spend an hour at the gym every day for exercise to be effective. Let go of “no pain, no gain “. Don’t worry about what everybody else is doing, including the so-called “fitness gurus” and “experts,” and focus on what you can do.
  3. Be patient with your body. Don’t beat yourself up for being unable to do what you once could. That only creates more stress, and more stress equals more pain. Look at physical activity with creativity and flexibilitySet realistic goals for yourself.  If you are not meeting your goals, don’t give up. Ask yourself what you can do differently to be successful. I know it might not seem like it at times, but there is always something you can do.
  4. Incorporate things you enjoy into your exercise routine. Whether it is being outside or spending time with loved ones. Approach exercise with creativity and flexibility. Respect your limitations while challenging yourself just enough. You may be at 40% one day and 100% the next. The key is to do the best you can at that moment.
  5. Ask for help. Ask your doctor or your physical therapist. Check with your local hospital, physical therapy facility, or recreation center. If you find a class that may work for you, talk to the instructor beforehand and tell them about your limitations. An experienced instructor can give you modifications. 

From boosting your mood and energy level, which are essential when faced with chronic pain, exercise can also improve sleep and even reduce pain in some cases. You may need to try a few different activities to find something that works for you, but remember – every accomplishment starts with a decision to try!

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